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A New Journey Begins – A.Farr

Writer: Hereford Dentist Andrew FHereford Dentist Andrew F

By Andrew Farr Associate Dentist

Broad Street Dental Surgery. Hereford

This young lady presented to Broad Street Dental Surgery complaining of a buccally placed mandibular left lateral incisor. She had undergone orthodontic treatment in her teens but due to a lack of retention her labial segment has changed as shown below.


LL2 buccally placed. A.Farr

Treatment options for this case included fixed orthodontics, removable orthodontics or accepting the current situation. With removable orthodontics using clear aligners Inter proximal reduction (IPR) would be needed to create space to allow the mandibular incisor to move lingual. It was decided therefore that a fixed solution would provide a more predictable outcome and would need very little if any IPR.


QST bond-up – A.Farr

We use only clear/tooth coloured brackets from QST (Quick Straight Teeth) which are straightforward to use and provide excellent aesthetics. The treatment was estimated to take around 4-6 months and the patient would be provided with adequate retention following treatment to reduce the risk of relapse.



Post operative photos shows a nicely aligned lower arch. The patient was very happy with the final results.

If you or a friend are interested in having straighter teeth please visit Broad Street Dental Surgery

Andrew Farr

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