Mrs K. presented complaining of upper and lower arch crowding. She had orthodontics completed in her adolescents and this has now relapsed due to a lack of retention following treatment.
Mrs K. had 4mm crowding in the upper arch with the Maxillary right first molar buccally placed. The lower arch had mild crowding of around 3mm as shown above. Treatment options were discussed and it was decided that fixed upper and lower arch short term orthodontics followed by fixed retention in the form of a bonded retainer would provide an acceptable outcome.
The treatment was provided at Broad Street Dental Surgery using the QST (Quick Straight Teeth) system and took approximately 6 months to complete. Excellent result were achieved and the patient was provided with fixed upper and lower retainers along with Essix retainers to wear at night.
If you are interested or know of anyone interested in short term orthodontics then please visit Broad Street Dental Surgery in Hereford.
Dr Andrew Farr (Dentist) BDS(Hons), MJDF
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