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Dentist Andrew Farr QST – Wedding

Writer: Hereford Dentist Andrew FHereford Dentist Andrew F

Dentist Andrew Farr presents a case of short term Orthodontics using the Quick Straight Teeth system.


AJ a 26 year old female complained of lower arch crowding plus a midline diastema.  She was to be wed later in the year an was very interested in short term orthodontics as it was a quick and reasonably priced treatment option to improve her smile and confidence for the big day.

Dentist Andrew Farr took pre-operative photographs and radiographs. A full clinical, dental and periodontal assessment was completed.

Upper and lower fixed appliance was used to align the upper and lower anterior segments and to close the midline diastema. Dentist Andrew Farr worked through the simple system provided by QST and provided both bonded and removable retainers to reduce the risk of relapse.

The patient was extremely please with the results and the wedding day was a complete success!

qst after

All images are reserved and copyright of Dentist Andrew Farr


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